October 1, 2014
- Accordia Life:
- LPSS Software Demo Get an introduction to Accordia Life’s illustration software. You’ll learn the basics and then explore features and supplemental reports that will enhance your sales presentations. Dial-in number: 1-855-282-6330 Audio PIN: 298 168 934
- Executive Bonus They’ll review the basics of Executive Bonus including Single and Double Bonus and when they may be appropriate to use. They’ll also highlight the Executive Bonus presentation in their software and how to approach business owners on the executive bonus. Dial-in Number: 1-855-282-6330 Audio Pin: 297 144 463
- Spotlight on Sales You’ll be walked through several sales ideas and show you the supporting marketing materials that you can use to promote the idea. Dial-in Number: 1-855-282-6330 Audio Pin: 294 370 697
- Accordia Life Product Portfolio A review of all the products that Accordia Life has to offer. They’ll go through each of their products in detail and provide sales situations where each product could provide a solution for your client. Dial-in Number: 1-855-282-6330 Audio Pin: 298 924 919
- Retirement Path Roadmap Overview Get an overview of the Retirement Path Roadmap selling system. This simple system can help you calculate your client’s retirement income based on their goals and objectives. It can also identify gaps based on analysis of their current retirement assets. Dial-in Number: 1-855-282-6330 Audio Pin: 299 983 138
- Genworth:
- Index UL 101 LIVE – webinar series Designed for busy financial professionals, these short yet packed-with-information sessions will give you an introduction to Index UL, tips to starting the conversation and closing the sale, the confidence and know-how to serve your clientele and insightful sales tips to improve your sales volume immediately. Conducted the same day and time every week, these live and interactive webinars are just what you need to gain a competitive edge. By investing less than an hour a week, you’ll have access to this sharply focused sales education series along with several bonus sales tools. Register here!
- October 2nd – 2:00 PM ET – Retirement Income Strategies: Starting the Conversation and Addressing Objections to Help Close the Sale
- October 9th – 2:00 PM ET – Beyond the Death Benefit: Building Cash Value with Index UL Insurance
- October 16th – 2:00 PM ET – Index UL Insurance Advanced Sales Concepts: Beyond the Death Benefit
- eValuate – new field underwriting tool for Long Term Care During this webinar, you will learn how to quickly determine if your client is insurable with the built-in prescreening questions. eValuate makes it easier for you to assess your clients for potential underwriting categories for Flex 2 and Flex 3. Dialin number: 1-646-307-1722 Access Code: 901-603-809
- Protect & Grow Clients’ Money Before They Retire learn how to uncover missed opportunity in the qualified plan market by utilizing age-based, in-service withdrawal. Age-based in-service withdrawals may offer greater control for your clients as they plan for their future.
- Positioning Death Benefit Index UL Charlie Gipple will share Death Benefit Index UL positioning strategies for three different types of clients.
- MetLife:
- Secure Flex Universal Life Firm Training Dial-in #: 800-553-0288
- Minnesota Life:
- 15-minute sales strategy teleconference – every Wednesday at 10:00 AM CT Dial-in Number: 1-800-910-2399 Passcode: 224032
- October 1st – How our New Business Team makes doing business with us easy
- Estate Planning – Individually Centered (EPIC) A new turn-key approach to estate planning.
- Genworth Financial:
- Contracting and Appointment Requests Producers, Agencies, and General Agents have a broad array of services available to help them manage contracting and appointment requests, such as a multi-carrier contracting system. If a multi-carrier contracting automation system is used to complete Genworth’s Producer Information and Appointment Form (PIF), it is the Producers, Agencies, and General Agent’s responsibility to ensure the responses to Genworth’s specific Business practices questions are accurate, the proper details have been provided, and the signatures are appropriately applied.
- North American:
Advertising Materials – reminder All advertising materials that discuss or reference the Company or its products must be submitted to the Ad Review team for approval prior to use.
- Voya Financial:
- Voya Financial on CBS The second Voya sponsored “Eye on Money” segment aired on September 10th. View the segment – The 3 Big Financial Goals – now.
- Accordia Life:
- Life Assure – why settle for only one “sweet spot”? Accordia Life Assure is a top 5 competitor in a wide range of scenarios. You can feel confident recommending this product for affordable death benefit protection to your clients.
Control Your Destiny – sales idea This piece describes how Jared works with his insurance agent and uses Accordia Life’s Lifetime Builder to gain financial independence and protection from financial uncertainties.
- AIG:
- Underwriting improvements Recent underwriting enhancements include the elimination of treadmill stress tests! Find out more about this and other improvements.
- Help your clients protect their family assets Watch this new video to learn how chronic illness coverage can play a key role in protecting family assets. Check it out on the “Telling the Story” page via RetireStronger.com.
- Genworth Financial:
- Working Your Book This producer guide – Working Your Book – provides tips and ideas to consider when enhancing your relationship with existing clients.
- Compensation restriction for Accelerated Benefit Rider for LTC services removed in WI This announcement pertains to all Wisconsin Asset Builder Index UL and Foundation Builder Index UL policies with the Accelerated Benefit Rider for Long Term Care Services with policy dates on or after September 1, 2014. Effective immediately, Wisconsin has removed their restrictions imposed on the first year percentage of commission amounts payable for the Accelerated Benefit Rider for Long Term Care Services. Genworth is now able to use the standard national commission rate for business issued in Wisconsin.
- Lincoln National:
- Are Your Clients Protected from Market Risk? Help clients overcome market risk. Give them the opportunity for market-driven growth potential with asset diversification and volatility management. Life insurance from Lincoln can be an important component to help fill the gaps in your clients’ retirement portfolios. This financial resource can help provide added security during periods of market decline while offering death benefit protection with tax-efficient growth and income potential.
- MetLife:
- Long-term death benefit protection with a built-in life expectancy no-lapse guarantee to age 90, depending on issue age
- MetLife Ultimate Charge Guarantee which guarantees current policy charges after the no-lapse guarantee period ends
- Efficient cash value accumulation potential that adds flexibility to meet clients’ changing needs
- On-line tools to make field underwriting easier
- MetLife QuickPredict Accessible via computer, tablet, or smartphone, this tool can help producers determine early in the fact-finding process whether a client could potentially qualify for an Elite or Preferred rating class, based on 11 key risk factors.
- Medical Impairments Guide The latest update to the guide is the first to feature guidelines for both individual life insurance and disability insurance combined into one document. The digital version is optimized for use on laptops or tablets and allows for quick keyword searches or a click-through to a specific page right from the table of contents.
- Mutual/United of Omaha:
- Guaranteed Refund Option – COMING OCTOBER 1st Beginning October 1, 2014, all qualifying GUL and GUL Plus policies will be issued with the new Guaranteed Refund Option. This new feature provides clients with three windows where they can get their ‘stash’ back, giving them flexible options for the future. Learn how this new rider works and read the transition rules. Why does the GRO rider matter to clients? You never know what the future holds. The client may decide to keep their insurance and never use this rider; however, by having it at no additional cost, the client at least has options if their situation changes.
Improved GUL pricing – effective October 1st The pricing improvements will strengthen product competitiveness for non-tobacco users ages 45-75. And remember, it’s important to always enter the client’s date of birth when running illustrations to ensure you are also quoting using the most competitive age last birthday rates.
- Use the ABR to help protect a client’s assets The assets your clients have accumulated could face threats from taxes, creditors, and lawsuits. If clients need extended long-term care, their assets may even be at risk because of their own health. The Accelerated Death Benefit Riders, available at no additional cost, were recently improved to provide greater protection against the costs of extended care. Listen to this Advanced Markets Minute podcast to learn more. Why does the ABR matter to clients? View this Real Life Story from Life Happens – and then keep Jim’s story in mind when recommending a product. Sometimes extra benefits are worth a minimal price difference.
- Life Insurance – an asset that creates predictability Without proper planning, a sudden market decline may cause you to leave behind significantly less than you intended. That’s why it’s important to diversify and balance your assets.
- North American Company:
Teach Your Clients About Term and Permanent Life Insurance! – video
Your clients might know the basic difference between term and permanent life insurance, but they might not know how this choice could affect their options in the future. North American’s Term vs. Perm video offers a quick and engaging way to share this important message with your clients via email, social media, or your website.
- Prudential:
BenefitAccess Rider competitive comparison tool – NEW Many prominent carriers offer products that provide death benefit and chronic illness care protection. This piece was created to help evaluate the differences and similarities between these products and help determine which product or carrier is appropriate based on your clients’ needs.
- Buy/Sell Arrangement Using A Stock Redemption Strategy Tony and Robert’s S Corporation is thriving. Two senior employees own interest in the business, Tony and Robert each own 40%, and two senior staff members each own 10%. The PruLife UL Protector can offer a solution that gives Tony and Robert the liquidity they need to repurchase the company’s shares should either of them or a staff member owner die unexpectedly. See the case study here.
- New Advanced Marketing Modeling Calculators Leverage new consumer approved Excel and PDF presentations from Prudential’s Advanced Marketing team. See the available materials here.
- Activate Your Assets Strategy Activate Your Assets is an asset repositioning strategy using life insurance to help clients leave more for their heirs and position idle assets more efficiently.
- Get a NEW Perspective on Life You often recommend traditional guaranteed UL for permanent life insurance protection, you’ll want to discover the full palette of what PruLife Founders Plus UL can offer your clients-cost-effective, flexible coverage, the potential for cash value accumulation, and an extended no-lapse guarantee.
- Whole Life that covers all the bases – flexibility, integrity and guarantees SBLI’s suite of whole life products feature great living and death benefits. Your clients can choose from 6 products and up to 7 flexible riders for their evolving coverage needs. Each product boasts strong guaranteed cash values. All of their whole life products participate in dividends – and SBLI has an excellent actual-vs.-projected dividend history. View this handy, one-page summary.
Life insurance application form revision for MA – effective October 8th
Slight changes are being made to the MIB wording. Also, several questions are being revised on the Part 1. Click here to see a sample.
- Symetra:
- Symetra Classic UL w/ Lapse Protection Benefit (LPB) provides even lower premiums As if premiums weren’t low enough, Symetra now offers LPB Premier – a unique pricing program that provides even lower premiums for your premier clients. With LPB Premier pricing, premiums average 6-10% less than the number 2 ranked GUL carrier. What’s more, it requires no additional effort on your part. If your clients meet the eligibility criteria, Premier pricing will be automatically applied when you run an illustration.
- Transamerica:
Income Protection Option – sales tip Many clients are looking for alternatives to leaving a large sum of money to their heirs at the time of their death. Additionally, they are looking for simple solutions to distribute the death benefit to the beneficiaries of the policies. With the Income Protection Option available on Transamerica life insurance policies, you can create multiple ways to distribute the death benefit for that policy owner without the need for the client to create a trust.
- Fund an initial lump sum for the beneficiaries to take care of immediate expenses after the death of the insured.
- Fund an income stream for a specified amount of time (between 5 years and 25 years) to replace the insured’s income.
- Fund a final lump sum after the income stream ends to help pay for a variety of needs including: education expenses or perhaps to help fund a retirement for the surviving spouse.
TransACE 2014 – NEW! The 2014 edition of TransACE guaranteed universal life has been updated to include a new rate band (for policies $10,000,001 and above) and new kind codes, with rebalanced pricing to make the product more competitive in level-pay scenarios. TransACE 2014 continues to offer the guarantees, flexibility and control clients want today. TransACE includes the MultiFlex Surrender Endorsement (MSE), Income Protection Option (IPO), and is built to be sustainable for the long term with Real Time PricingSM. TransACE also offers the Long Term Care Rider, subject to jurisdiction availability. For more details, view the information below.
- TransACE 2014 Transition Rules
- Applications submitted and seeking to receive the 2013 TransACE rates (and 13-week rate lock period) must be signed and received in good order in the Cedar Rapids Administrative Office by close of business on October 24, 2014.
- Applications submitted on or after October 25, 2014, will be issued as TransACE 2014 policies.
- All policies currently in house and not issued, with rate locks expiring on or after October 25, will be issued as TransACE 2014 policies.
- Trendsetter Super 20 Price Adjustments Premium rates for Trendsetter Super 20 have been adjusted to maintain an overall competitive price position and maintain a top-three premium ranking in a wide range of risk classes and issue ages. Trendsetter Super combines all the benefits of term life insurance with a variety of features, including an available Return of Premium Rider (ROP), Income Protection Option (IPO) and a non-med band for up to $99,999 without a medical exam. For more details, view the information below.
- Trendsetter Super 20 Transition Rules
- Applications must be solicited and signed on or before September 22, 2014 and received in the Cedar Rapids Administrative Office by close of business on November 7, 2014 to receive the old rates.
- Applications solicited and signed on or after September 23 will receive the new rates.
- Foreign Nationals Connection – your information hub Visit Foreign Nationals Connection today! This dedicated website helps you understand the Foreign Nationals opportunity, process business through Transamerica and locate potential clients. The site utilizes responsive design allowing for an optimal viewing experience across all your devices.
- Voya Financial:
- Premium Financing Opportunity with the new Premium Deposit Fund (PDF) Rider This case study shows the value of the PDF rider in premium financing – clients can take out large loans at lower interest rates.
- Improved rates for some Breast Cancer histories With Voya, Standard rates without a flat extra premium are a possibility immediately after completion of treatment on some DCIS breast cancers. Get the details here.
- Looking for a Voya App/Form? ING U.S. recently changed its name to Voya Financial. As part of rebranding efforts, they are making updates to various electronic submission and online applications. Here are a few tips to remember when doing a search for forms and applications.
- Genworth:
- Total Living Coverage (TLC) Accelerated Benefit Rider (ABR) and Extension of Benefits Rider (EBR) By paying an initial lump sum premium for TLC, your clients immediately create a death benefit as well as a pool of benefits to pay for covered long term care needs. The following fact sheet and case study help define what exactly this pool of benefits is.
- TLC competitive comparison
- Athene:
Current version of Athene Benefit 10 discontinued in 4 states – effective October 13th On October 13, 2014, sales will be discontinued
for the “current” version of Athene Benefit 10 in Alaska, Massachusetts, Missouri and Vermont.
- Application Deadlines: To be accepted for processing, Athene Benefit 10 applications from any of the states listed above must be signed and dated no later than October 12, 2014, and received in good order in the home office by October 17, 2014.
- Make way for the NEW Athene Benefit 10! Athene Benefit 10 is currently sold by agents contracted with Athene Annuity (DE), Wilmington, DE. This product is being retired in conjunction with the launch of the new Athene Benefit 10 issued by Athene Annuity and Life Company, West Des Moines, IA. Watch for information on new Athene Benefit 10 product availability in the four states where the current Athene Benefit 10 product is being retired. If you’re not already contracted with Athene Annuity and Life Company, now is a great time to make the transition.
- Are you ready to sell the new Athene Benefit 10? Here’s how:
- Be contracted with Athene Annuity and Life Company, West Des Moines, IA (Athene IA, formerly Aviva).
Athene MaxRate 5 discontinued – effective October 3rd Athene MaxRate 5 and Athene MaxRate 5 Enhanced Liquidity (EL) multi-year guarantee annuities will be discontinued after October 3, 2014. The Athene MaxRate 7 and Athene MaxRate 7 Enhanced Liquidity (EL) products will remain available in all approved states. Please note: Athene MaxRate 5, Athene MaxRate 5 EL, Athene MaxRate 7 and Athene MaxRate 7 EL will continue to be available in New York. Be sure to check the state availability chart for the latest information on the availability of Athene Annuity products.
- Application Deadlines: To be accepted for processing, Athene MaxRate 5 applications must be received in good order in the home office by October 3, 2014. Funds must be received by November 14, 2014 or business will not be issued.
- New forms for Athene MaxRate 7 and Athne MaxRate 7 EL will be required for applications received after October 3, 2014.
- Genworth Financial:
- Materials to get your clients talking about retirement!
Let’s Talk Retirement tabloid – NEW
Full of useful tools and valuable advice, it supports productive conversations about planning for retirement.
- Rate changes On October 1st, SPDA rates increase for the National and New York versions of Independence, Liberty, and Smart Rate. Rate Saver is increasing as well. Also, SPIA rates have gotten even more competitive. The shortest period certain only will be 5 years 6 months. FIA caps/rates are staying the same. View the current rates.
- North American:
- Products no longer available in Oklahoma
- Products now available in Oklahoma
- Genworth Financial:
- LTCI is too expensive and complex. Right? Until recently, affordability and complexity made it harder for you to offer your clients long term care insurance (LTCI). Now you can overcome both challenges with FlexFit packages. FlexFit packages help you design a Privileged Choice Flex 3 policy that best fits your clients’ needs. They start at less than $100 a month for qualified applicants, making it easier to fit LTCI into clients’ budgets. And, their prepackaged features and benefits help make the product simpler to understand, explain, and sell. Check out Genworths’ special site where you can learn more about FlexFit packages. You can also view the following case studies that show the different FlexFit packages that can help meet your client’s LTCI needs:
- John Hancock:
- 2013 and 2010 in-force rate action notifications for late October The 2013 in-force rate action includes John Hancock LTCI individual policies originally issued in New Mexico and Wisconsin. Also, we will continue implementation in Arizona and begin notifications for additional products in that state. The 2010 rate action applies to John Hancock and Fortis LTCI individual policies in Texas, where we will continue implementation and begin notifications for additional products in that state. Click here for more information.
- Updated Sponsored Group consumer materials Now that employee benefits season is here again, it may be a good time for you to seek out new LTC insurance sales opportunities in the worksite and affinity marketplaces. John Hancock is prepared to support your efforts by providing you with updated consumer marketing material for the Sponsored Group Discount Program, available in all states except Hawaii. Get a list of materials for Employer and Affinity markets. Also, make sure you have the correct the application booklets.
- Mutual of Omaha:
- LTC Sales Idea How do you get people talking about long-term care? Check out this month’s sales idea.
- Mutual/United of Omaha:
- Kiplinger DI Video Don’t forget about the Kiplinger DI video! It’s an effective way to show clients the importance of disability income protection.
- Mutual/United of Omaha:
- How to submit business without really trying Your busiest time of the year for Med supp business is about to begin. During the annual Medicare open enrollment period (OEP), October 15 – December 7, Mutual of Omaha is ready to handle your Med supp submissions. Get easy application submission tips here.
- 12% Household Discount – available in Oregon New Medicare supplement underwritten by Omaha Insurance Company offers your clients a 12% household discount in Oregon.
- Assure your Med Supp clients Our AEP postcard can help you assure your clients during the Fall surge. It can be a confusing time for clients when they see advertising messages everywhere.
- October Rate Release for Colorado Good news! Medicare supplement rates in Colorado are declining.
- AIG:
Win $1,000 gift card or iPad (8/1/2014 – 10/31/2014) Now is a great time to explore how accident and health (A&H) products can strengthen clients’ financial resources while creating new income streams for your business. View the contest rules and a 15-minute training session are available on the contest website.
AIG Better Ride Contest (8/1/2014 – 1/31/2015) Now is your chance to rev it up, get in gear, and gain some traction! Producers will receive points based upon the sale of our permanent products, and additional points for selling AG Asset Protector on Secure Lifetime (AAS Rider & LIS Rider), and the AAS Rider on Elite Index II. For every 5 points a producer earns they will get a raffle ticket towards the drawing of a 2 year lease on a BMW 528i. Get complete details.
- American National:
2015 Marketing Conference (qualification period 1/1/2014 – 12/31/2014) You and your guest will enjoy five days and four nights at The Cove Atlantis, Paradise Island, Bahamas from May 17-21, 2015 if you are one of American National’s top 80 qualifiers. Click here for details.
- Athene:
Top Producers Dublin 2015 (1/1/2014 – 12/31/2014) Produce $3.5 Million or more (received during the qualification period of January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014) with Aviva or Athene products and then get ready to pack your bags for Ireland. Click here for details.
- Lincoln National:
Double Your Credit (7/1/2014 – 12/31/2014) Help your clients prepare for the future and earn double PAP credit on all Lincoln MoneyGuard Solutions cases placed in force between July 1 and December 31, 2014. Click here for complete details.
- North American:
- Elite Agent Bonus Program (1/1/2014 – 12/31/2014)
- Transamerica:
Break Away and Travel with Transamerica (4/1/2014 – 12/19/2014)
- Agents who place $25,000 of premium (minimum 3 TLIC life applications) will earn a 3-day vacation package valued up to $1,400 for yourself and a guest.
- Agents who place $75,000 of premium (minimum 5 TLIC life applications) will earn a 5-day vacation package valued up to $5,000 for yourself and up to 3 guests.
- Click here for complete details.
- Long Term Care production can help you win the above trip! Now earning your Break Away is even easier. Long Term Care production is being included towards qualifying! View the Break Away travel site for complete details.
- Break Away and Hit the Links! Transamerica is excited to announce new destination options for Break Away. By popular demand, singles golf outings are now available! That’s right, by qualifying for a three-day Break Away prize package, you could find yourself teeing off under the blue skies of Palm Springs, California or enjoying the sea breeze on Amelia Island, Florida. Sell more, go farther! By qualifying for the second level Break Away prize package you can take your pick from the world famous courses of Pebble Beach, Pinehurst, and six TPC courses including Sawgrass and Scottsdale! All golf packages are for one person. Challenge your friends to qualify for their own trip and meet you on the greens! Start planning your outing today! View the new golf packages here.
Leading Distributors Convention in Barcelona (1/1/2014 – 12/31/2015) This is your opportunity to experience one of the world’s top destinations in an entirely unique way-the Transamerica way! Sun-filled days, exciting nightlife, and the breathtaking beauty of Barcelona await, when you qualify for the 2016 convention – held May 11-15, 2016. Click here for details. View the producer flyer.