- Annuity applications:
- Must be received in good order in the Home Office by 4:30 PM CT on December 18th in order to guarantee processing for year-end.
- Normal month-end rate lock procedures will apply. Applications must be signed and dated no later than December 31, 2015 and received in the Home Office by January 6, 2016.
- Applications received after 4:30 PM CT on December 18, 2015 cannot be guaranteed to be processed by year-end.

- Year-end business deadlines
Final issue requirements for life new business to be placed and counted in 2015 should be received by December 18, 2015 if commissions are paid weekly, and December 24, 2015 if commissions are paid daily.

- Conversion update
This update includes good news about Accordia’s progress on mailing annual statements.

- Continuous improvement to serve you and your clients better
A message from John Deremo.

- Why choose North American
Here’s why North American should be your carrier of choice.

- New TransACT feature Improves Policy Review
When viewing pending and inforce policies on TransACT, you can now expand and collapse each section so it’s easier to find the information you need. Even better, the system will save your preferences, so each time you revisit a policy, it will appear as you last left it.

- Non-Production Terminations
As of October 6, 2015 any agent that has not produced in the past 18 months will have their appointment(s) and contract(s) currently active with Voya Insurance and Annuity Company/Reliastar Life Insurance Company of New York terminated. If a new Voya Annuity application is received prior to November 30, 2015, the state appointment(s) and contract(s) will remain active to support on-going Annuity and Asset sales. Any contract in the state of Pennsylvania will require that agent to hold an active appointment in the state prior to solicitation.
- FastTrack Product Type Classification Enhancement
The annuity “Product Type” drop down menu of FastTrack has been updated. Annuity products are now broken down into more specific classifications to help you better navigate your product selection.

- The Cam cam – a generations overview
Watch generational expert, Cam Marston, give a complete generations overview in under 5 minutes. Then check out www.aig.com/GenerationMatters for more great training and prospecting tools for selling across the generations.
- New monthly modal factor on AG Select-a-Term
The monthly modal factor on AG Select-a-Term has been lowered; significantly improving its competitive position on a monthly basis. Visit www.aig.com/termlife for transition rules and to learn more.
- Strong Index Performance – new flyer available for consumers
Do your clients have questions on how the strong index performance cash access feature works for the Value+ IUL? Share this new easy-to-understand, consumer-approved flyer that explains it all.
- Policy review
Use the updated policy review materials to make sure your clients have coverage is keeping up with their lives.

- Required minimum distributions and insurance
Do you have clients who are retiring soon, have retired, and / or have cash streams they want to grow on a tax deferred basis? No surprise. Thirteen percent of the US population is over the age of 65 according to a 2012 US Census report. Individuals who own qualified retirement plans such as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), 401(k)s, and pensions are required to take taxable withdrawals beginning at age 70½. The use of required minimum distributions to purchase life insurance may circumvent future taxation of this income and lessens the possibility of having to sell portfolio assets during unexpected and turbulent times. A permanent life insurance policy provides lifetime protection, tax deferred cash accumulation, and cash liquidity in later years. Your client can access accumulated cash through loans, partial surrenders of the policy, and in the event of death, immediate payment of the policy value. View this sales idea.
- How can life insurance maximize retirement assets?
Say your clients are among those lucky ones. They have more discretionary income than they need. They’ve already hit the annual maximums for all defined contribution plans (like 401k, 403b, 457, pensions, IRAs, 529, etc.). They’re looking forward to living long lives and want to make sure they have the funds to live comfortably. They’re also looking to defer taxes whenever possible and are asking for your advice. You might suggest that some of that excess income be used to purchase universal life insurance (preferably a plan with guaranteed death benefits and guaranteed cash values). When family members are named as beneficiaries of the life insurance policy, cash value growth in the policy is tax-deferred and death benefits protect the family from income lost at the client’s death. View this sales idea.

- Do your clients know their life insurance needs?
Many people are unsure how much or what type of life insurance they need. Without clear guidance and overwhelmed by such an important decision, these clients often lack sufficient coverage. This Human Life Value Campaign provides a simple four-step approach to help bring clarity to your clients’ life insurance needs.
- New term rates – effective November 23rd
View the new rates for Advantage Elite Select (AES) Term Life Insurance. Please note the following transition rules for receiving the new AES rates:
- All pending non-mailed applications as of end of day November 20, 2015, on the 10 and 20 year products where issue age is 65 or less:
- Automatically receive the new rates
- All pending non-mailed applications as of end of day November 20, 2015, on the 10 and 20 year products where issue age is 66 or above:
- Part 3 of the AES application is received in the Home Office by November 20, 2015 will receive the current rates.
- Part 3 of the AES application is received in the Home Office after November 20, 2015 will receive the new rates.

- Form revisions
- Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Form
Read detailed information. Download the revised EFT form.
- HIV Consent Form for New Hampshire
Read the bulletin. Download the updated NH HIV form.

- A policy that balances simplicity, effectiveness, and affordability – in one solution
Your agents can create and personalize their own material to promote to clients.
- Opportunity is knocking – and it costs 5% less
Clients looking for short-duration coverage want more opportunities for evidence free exchange to a more permanent policy should their needs should change down the road. Thankfully you can provide this opportunity for an average 5% less in annual premium when compared to traditional term solutions. Learn more.
- Lower rates, higher compensation
Did you know that Protective Custom Choice UL has a competitive edge over many traditional term solutions? It ranks among the top 5 for lowest premium in over 80% of non-smoker risk classes. Even better, there is no policy fee excluded from commissionable premium, which means potentially higher compensation for agents when compared to traditional term solutions. But that’s just the beginning. Learn more about this solution now, or get a UL quote to see our competitive rates in action.

- Illustration output enhancements
Beginning December 7, the illustration outputs for UL/SUL Protector will become more attractive. Learn more.

- Chronic Illness Plus
For clients who want to help protect themselves against the costs associated with an unexpected chronic illness, the Chronic Illness Plus Rider, available with Symetra UL-G, may be the solution they are looking for.
- Using Life Insurance to Leverage Alternative Assets
Using life insurance to leverage alternative assets should be considered as part of an overall legacy planning strategy. This new presentation shows how this approach increased two clients’ overall legacies.
- Trust-Owned Life Insurance Reviews
Your agents may have clients with trust-owned life insurance policies that are out of date. With ongoing economic, personal and insurance industry changes, it might be time for them to sit down with their clients and make sure their current needs are being met. This new client brochure helps them guide their clients through the benefits of trust and policy reviews and provide two scenarios that illustrate how these reviews can help enhance their estate and wealth transfer strategies.

- Clients think Medicare and Medicaid
are the end of the long-term care conversation
Have your agents show them it’s just the beginning.
- Help clients understand the need for long-term care planning
Approved for use in AZ, CT, DE, DC, HI, IN, MT, ND, NJ, NY, SD and VI. Not available in FL and CA.

- A multi-year option for long-term savers
Discover a product that offers long-term protection with market value adjustment and multi-year guaranteed rate periods to choose from five, six or seven years in New York, and from five to 10 years in most other states. The American Pathway SolutionsMYG might be an ideal choice for long-term savers who want:
- Protection from market volatility
- Guaranteed income for life with annuitization
- New annuity rates
View the updated rate sheet.

- Give your clients an extra boost for their retirement income
The Rising Income Benefit – included with the Income Builder Fixed Indexed Annuity – offers opportunities to boost your clients’ retirement income by doubling the dollar amount of annual interest earned on the contract value, and applying it to the benefit base.

- Updates to Voya Monthly Average Index Spreads
Over the past three decades the S&P 500 Index has grown more than 10 fold from 167 on December 31, 1984 to 2058 on December 31, 2014. When taking historical view of market performance, there are few benchmarks or indexes used more than the S&P 500. Click herefor further details and here for an illustration of the Voya Secure Index Seven. To run a customized illustration, please visit www.voyaannuityillustrations.com. Click here to view the udpated rates.
- Voya Wealth Builder Plus – Caps up to 7.50%
Now you can get both account value growth and income benefit growth in one complete solution. Help clients grow, protect and enjoy their Orange Money with the Voya Wealth Builder Plus Annuity. Learn more.
- 1 Year Fixed Rate Increase – An Alternative to Bank CDs
The first year fixed rate on two of Voya’s Fixed Indexed Annuities has been increased. View the rates.
- Voya Point-to-Point Volatility Control Strategy
Don’t let the markets control you; manage retirement with a strategy that aims to reduce volatility by dynamically allocating between equities and cash. In addition to other fixed index annuity (FIA) benefits such as tax deferral, credited interest and protection against market downturns, this index crediting strategy may help. The Voya Point-to-Point Volatility Control Strategy – featuring Deutsche Bank’s proprietary CROCI US 5% Volatility Control Index – is now available within the Secure Index series of fixed index annuities. Click here for further details.

- Driving consumer awareness and interest
Many clients may rely on false notions when it comes to long-term care. It can be easier to think that other insurance will cover long-term care expenses or that government programs will pay the bills. Or, that they can pay out of pocket if care is ever needed. A great way to help them start thinking about long-term care is to provide them with the facts. This Long-Term Care Quiz can help. It poses some basic questions to test clients’ long-term care knowledge, covering the average lifetime chance of needing care and what they think the care might cost. What they don’t know may surprise them and will provide your agents with an opening to having a real discussion about the importance of planning ahead.

- Rate adjustments – effective February 1st
A premium rate increase will be implemented on several blocks of business beginning February 1, 2016.

No bulletins to report this week.

- Medicare SELECT provider directories – updated
Find out what’s new.
- December rate release for Florida
View the rate adjustments effective December 1, 2015 for Mutual of Omaha Medicare supplement in Florida.
- How close are you?
When your number of net issued underwritten policies in a calendar quarter reaches the target, you qualify for Medicare supplement mix of business enhanced renewal compensation. You could bring home nearly 15% more income over policy years two-six! See how close you are on www.mutualofomaha.com/broker, Reports tab. Read the details.
- 10% Bonus Commission on Value+ IUL (June 1 – December 31, 2015)
Earn an extra 10% BONUS COMMISSION on Value+ IUL policies paid between June 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015.
- NO thresholds to meet
- NO tiered payouts
- NO maximums
- No restrictions on how the extra commission is used- for example, you may wish to share all or part of the bonus with your producers, creating an incentive program of your own.
- 2016 Marketing Conference in Hawaii (January 1 – December 31, 2015)
The top 80 qualifiers and their guest will be invited to enjoy six days and five nights at Four Seasons Resort Hualalai in beautiful Kona, Hawaii. Click here for complete details.
- 2016 LFN Convention in The Bahamas! (January 1 – December 31, 2015)
Indulge in the beauty and splendor of the brand-new, ultra-extravagant Grand Hyatt at Baha Mar in the Bahamas. LFN qualifiers will enjoy the sun-drenched sand and surf, as well as one of the islands most beautiful and challenging 18-hole golf courses. Get qualification detailshere.
- 2016 LFN Summit in Prague, CZ (January 1 – December 31, 2015)
Set your sights on the crown jewel of Eastern Europe as we head to Prague, Czech Republic. The exquisite Four Seasons Prague will host our qualifiers in a luxurious setting overlooking the famed Charles Bridge. Get qualification details here.
- DI Growth Challenge – Part II (July 1 – December 31, 2015)
Increase your MetLife DI premium by 15% and receive a cash bonus of 6%. Get complete details.
- LTCI Marketing Credits Program (November 1, 2014 – December 31, 2015)
Mutual of Omaha’s LTCI Marketing Credits Program gives you the opportunity to score marketing credits that can be used to help build your LTCi business. Start earning credits on your fifth LTCi app placed after November 1, 2014.
- Credits must be redeemed by March 31, 2016
- Mutual Sales Leaders in Rome! (January 1 – December 31, 2015)
Experience all that is Rome when you qualify for Mutual Sales Leaders in 2015! Your Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement and Simplified Issue Life sales can take you to the Eternal City where you’ll enjoy centuries of iconic achievements in Roman art and architecture. It’s the trip of a lifetime! Click here for complete details.
- Elite Producer Club – annuity incentive (January 1 – December 31, 2015)
Earn up to 1% extra commission on all North American Fixed Index Annuities in 2015! Get complete details.
- 2016 Protective Life Sales Convention (July 1, 2014 – January 1, 2016)
Make sure you’re taking advantage of the full qualification period for the Protective Life Sales Convention. Write your business today so by next May, you’ll be able to savor your success!Qualification Period: combined business from July 1, 2014 – January 1, 2016.Qualification Rules: top 40 BGAs with a minimum of $1,000,000 net paid annualized life premium (NPAP). NPAP is defined in the Independent Agents Agreement each BGA holds with Protective Life.Minimum life count of 15 paid applications.No credit for Annuity or BOLI premium.Convention point credit will be given on excess premium at 6%
- Founders PLus Bonus Program (EXTENDED THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2015)
This means you have another three months to earn an additional 20% bonus compensation on all new PruLife Founders Plus UL business you place. Click here for complete details.
- Leading Distributors Convention in Barcelona (January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2015)
This is your opportunity to experience one of the world’s top destinations in an entirely unique way-the Transamerica way! Sun-filled days, exciting nightlife, and the breathtaking beauty of Barcelona await, when you qualify for the 2016 convention – held May 11-15, 2016. Click here for details.
- Breakaway Travel 2015! (February 1 – December 18, 2015)
Break Away returns for 2015 with more destinations and new opportunities to qualify! Click here for the producer rules & regulations.
- The Insurables! A Learn and Earn Promotion (June 1, 2015 – March 31, 2016)
The Insurables is a rewards-based program designed to engage and motivate producers to grow sales. Through a series of videos, producers are given the opportunity to learn more about key clients — The Insurables — as well as a chance to earn prizes and a 10 percent commission enhancement. Click here to start learning and earning. Please note: New York, Guam, Puerto Rico and non-U.S. business is excluded from the program. Get complete details!