- Annuity applications:
- Must be received in good order in the Home Office by 4:30 PM CT on December 18th in order to guarantee processing for year-end.
- Normal month-end rate lock procedures will apply. Applications must be signed and dated no later than December 31, 2015 and received in the Home Office by January 6, 2016.
- Applications received after 4:30 PM CT on December 18, 2015 cannot be guaranteed to be processed by year-end.

- W9 now required for new contracting
An IRS Form W9 needs to be completed for each entity or individual being contracted with AIG. Effective January 1, 2016, the W9 form will be a critical requirement for all new contracting.

- Consumer brochures – now available for order
- The protection brochure gives consumers information about buying term life insurance and how Legal & General America can help them protect their loved ones.
- LGA’s Charitable Giving Campaign
Visit Frankmatters.com for details.

- Transamerica chooses USPS to deliver policies
Transamerica has transitioned the delivery of policies to general agencies currently being shipped via FedEx to the United States Postal Service (USPS). The USPS will make deliveries Monday through Saturday, and the delivery window for Priority Mail is one to three days, depending on location. Distributors will be able to see when a policy has mailed by logging into TransACT or by accessing their pending feeds. If, on the fourth day the policy has not been received, distributors should call their New Business team for a tracking number, which can be used to check the delivery status online. Distributors who require a specific policy to be overnighted should contact their New Business supervisor or sales representative for assistance.

- Help your clients take their business to the next level
A Business Valuation is an essential step in aligning the actions business owners take with the goals and vision they have for their business.
- New York clients
- An offer for your New York customers
To comply with a recently mandated New York State regulation, MetLife will notify all owners of inforce, currently sold life insurance policies living in New York that they have an option to add the Acceleration of Death Benefit rider (ADBR) to their policies. The applications for these policies must have been signed on or before December 31, 2014. The mailing will be staggered, with notifications sent to policy-owners each Friday beginning November 6 through December 11, 2015.
- Multiple changes to the New York Life Application
New forms required for the New York Life application.
- Security update required for Whole Life Up Close iPad App
As part of a routine software upgrade, a new security update is required for MetLife’s Whole Life Up Close app. In order to correctly install the update, you will need to re-download the app. From your iPad, please visit the Whole Life Up Close website and click Download Now. Because this security update is required, your current app may not work until you download the app again.
- Simplified Underwriting Program
Get complete details.

LifeEnhance Accelerated Benefits Rider – now available in NY
Tell your clients about death benefit protection that can be turned into a living benefit – when they need it the most – with the Lincoln LifeEnhance Accelerated Benefits Rider (LEABR). It can give your clients a supplemental source of tax-advantaged funds to use for any purpose should they develop a permanent chronic or terminal illness.
- Guaranteed Universal Life
Learn three reasons to sell it. View the highlight sheet.
- Take advantage of ‘Age Last Birthday’ underwriting
Don’t make your clients older than they are. With “age last birthday” underwriting, you’ll help save your clients money and time.
- Maximizing monthly income while protecting income for the spouse
With the Pension Maximization strategy using life insurance, your soon-to-retire clients may be able to take the Life Only Option under their defined benefit pension plan and still provide for their spouse upon their death. Learn more with the video below.

Sell what matters to clients – TIME
Clients looking for short-duration coverage want more time to pay their policy premium, because sometimes, life happens and a longer grace period is helpful. Thankfully you can provide clients a longer grace period for an average 5% less in annual premium when compared to traditional term solutions. Learn more.
- Get the message out
Your clients want valuable coverage that offers lower policy expenses and competitive cash-value accumulation. Protective has made the message easy to deliver with an online tool that allows you to create, personalize and share your own sales ideas.
- A more competitive short-duration solution than traditional term
Custom Choice UL has a competitive edge over many traditional term solutions. In fact, it’s among the top 5 for low premium in over 80% of non-smoker risk classes. But that’s just the beginning. Learn more about this solution now, or get a UL quote to see the competitive rates in action.

- Help your clients protect their loved ones & their quality of life
It’s the right time to be talking to your clients about the challenges of aging. Keep in mind that permanent life insurance from Prudential with the optional BenefitAccess Rider can provide death benefit protection with the financial flexibility clients may need if they suffer from a chronic or terminal illness someday.
Sound Insights – NEW!
Get on-demand access to Prudential’s thought leaders as they share their expertise about the industry’s most relevant topics and trends.
- Executive Bonus Plans
Executive Bonus Plans and Restricted Executive Bonus Arrangements (REBA’s) are appealing to the key employees and offer your business owners a plan that is simple to implement and administer.
- New form for in-force illustration requests
View the new form.

- New Simplified Process for NY Regulation 60
Learn about it now.
- The new generation of life insurance can multitask
Just like the smartphones of late, the financial services industry has evolved to provide multiple features in a single product to help consumers achieve their goals. Check out Transamerica sales leader Laura Morrison’s Worth article to find out what today’s life insurance policies can do.

- Your biggest planning challenge
Long-term care is perceived as one of the hardest risks to manage in a client’s portfolio. Lincoln makes it easy for you to help protect clients’ wealth from long-term care expenses – while strengthening and expanding your practice. Learn more.
- Conversation starters
Click here for tips for discussing long-term care planning with your clients.
- Clients think long-term care events happen to other people
You know better. Let Lincoln help you dispel the myths. View the video below to help your clients understand the need for long term care.

Click here for version approved for use in: AZ, CA, CT, DC, DE, FL, IN, MT, ND, NJ, SD & VI
- Palladium Single Premium Immediate Annuity
View company comparisons.
WealthQuest Citadel Diamond 5 – rate correction
An incorrect rate for WealthQuest Citadel Diamond 5 was loaded into the LPES illustration software on November 1, 2015. To show the correct rate in your Desktop-LPES illustrations, you will either need to manually update or reinstall. If you reinstall, you will be prompted to update automatically. Learn how. The online LPES has already updated automatically.
- Strategy Indexed Annuity Plus Lifetime Income Riders
Learn about them now.
- Palladium MYG annuity rates are HOT!
View the November rates. Learn more about this multi-year guarantee annuity.

- New on-line marketing resource
The Annuity Marketing Zone is a consolidation of North American’s most popular and effective marketing pieces all in one convenient microsite. Check out this quick demo video.
Income Pay Plus – a new rider coming December 1st
Help your clients find the income they need in their retirement. Get details about this new rider.
- Protective Income Builder Fixed Index Annuity
Right now the annual point-to-point interest crediting strategy rate cap for a contract value of 100,000 or more is 5.50%. View complete rates here.
- Coping with America’s coming cognitive decline
Cognitive decline gets going around age 70. In January, the eldest boomers turn 70.
- Robin Williams coverage boosts dementia awareness
Long-Term Care Awareness Month participants hope to start more conversations.

LTC Captivate 2.0 – online insurance application system
This redesigned system features a number of enhancements that will enable you to adapt to the unique needs and buying preferences of your clients and leave the paper world behind. Click here to learn more, or check out a brief promotional video.
- 2015 LTC Survey
John Hancock’s 2015 Long-Term Care Survey will provide you with the insights you need to effectively communicate the value of long-term care insurance as a part of any comprehensive financial plan. View the results.

- Six ways to start the LTC conversation
November is Long-Term Care Awareness month. Here are six easy ways to start a conversation with prospective clients.

- Need for Chronic Illness Planning
Have you helped your clients prepare for the likelihood of a chronic illness? Prudential’s new video shows you the importance of having this conversation through a very compelling and personal story.


- Start offering customizable income protection
Present an income protection product to your clients that addresses current market challenges, offers flexibility and customization in product options, and includes ideal features and pricing for the medical market.

- Are you saving your clients money?
When you can apply premium savings to your client’s DI policy, you’re making income protection more affordable and yourself more valuable to your client. The Disability Income Choice Portfolio offers your clients comprehensive income protection plans from a trusted company.

- Rate adjustments for New Hampshire
View the January 2016 Medicare supplement rate adjustments for New Hampshire.
- Med Supp Fall Surge Intermission
Make the most of the intermission. Watch the video below to learn a couple of time-saving tips. Then, start putting these tools to work for you. Chances are you’ll never go back to paper.

- NO thresholds to meet
- NO tiered payouts
- NO maximums
- No restrictions on how the extra commission is used- for example, you may wish to share all or part of the bonus with your producers, creating an incentive program of your own.
- 2016 Marketing Conference in Hawaii (January 1 – December 31, 2015)
The top 80 qualifiers and their guest will be invited to enjoy six days and five nights at Four Seasons Resort Hualalai in beautiful Kona, Hawaii. Click here for complete details.
2016 LFN Convention in The Bahamas! (January 1 – December 31, 2015)
Indulge in the beauty and splendor of the brand-new, ultra-extravagant Grand Hyatt at Baha Mar in the Bahamas. LFN qualifiers will enjoy the sun-drenched sand and surf, as well as one of the islands most beautiful and challenging 18-hole golf courses. Get qualification details here.
2016 LFN Summit in Prague, CZ (January 1 – December 31, 2015)
Set your sights on the crown jewel of Eastern Europe as we head to Prague, Czech Republic. The exquisite Four Seasons Prague will host our qualifiers in a luxurious setting overlooking the famed Charles Bridge. Get qualification details here.
DI Growth Challenge – Part II (July 1 – December 31, 2015)
Increase your MetLife DI premium by 15% and receive a cash bonus of 6%. Get complete details.
- LTCI Marketing Credits Program (November 1, 2014 – December 31, 2015)
Mutual of Omaha’s LTCI Marketing Credits Program gives you the opportunity to score marketing credits that can be used to help build your LTCi business. Start earning credits on your fifth LTCi app placed after November 1, 2014.
- Credits must be redeemed by March 31, 2016
- Mutual Sales Leaders in Rome! (January 1 – December 31, 2015)
Experience all that is Rome when you qualify for Mutual Sales Leaders in 2015! Your Mutual of Omaha Medicare Supplement and Simplified Issue Life sales can take you to the Eternal City where you’ll enjoy centuries of iconic achievements in Roman art and architecture. It’s the trip of a lifetime! Click here for complete details.
- Elite Producer Club – annuity incentive (January 1 – December 31, 2015)
Earn up to 1% extra commission on all North American Fixed Index Annuities in 2015! Get complete details.
2016 Protective Life Sales Convention (July 1, 2014 – January 1, 2016)
Make sure you’re taking advantage of the full qualification period for the Protective Life Sales Convention. Write your business today so by next May, you’ll be able to savor your success!
- Qualification Period: combined business from July 1, 2014 – January 1, 2016.
- Qualification Rules: top 40 BGAs with a minimum of $1,000,000 net paid annualized life premium (NPAP). NPAP is defined in the Independent Agents Agreement each BGA holds with Protective Life.
- Minimum life count of 15 paid applications.
- No credit for Annuity or BOLI premium.
Founders PLus Bonus Program (EXTENDED THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 2015)
This means you have another three months to earn an additional 20% bonus compensation on all new PruLife Founders Plus UL business you place. Click here for complete details.
- Leading Distributors Convention in Barcelona (January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2015)
This is your opportunity to experience one of the world’s top destinations in an entirely unique way-the Transamerica way! Sun-filled days, exciting nightlife, and the breathtaking beauty of Barcelona await, when you qualify for the 2016 convention – held May 11-15, 2016. Click here for details.
- Breakaway Travel 2015! (February 1 – December 18, 2015)
Break Away returns for 2015 with more destinations and new opportunities to qualify! Click here for the producer rules & regulations.
The Insurables! A Learn and Earn Promotion (June 1, 2015 – March 31, 2016)
The Insurables is a rewards-based program designed to engage and motivate producers to grow sales. Through a series of videos, producers are given the opportunity to learn more about key clients — The Insurables — as well as a chance to earn prizes and a 10 percent commission enhancement. Click here to start learning and earning. Please note: New York, Guam, Puerto Rico and non-U.S. business is excluded from the program. Get complete details!